The only New Year’s resolution you need
This year, we’ve got the only resolution you need – don’t have one. If we haven't yet blown your mind, read on to find out why.

It’s estimated that a whopping 80 per cent of New Year’s resolutions fail. In fact, putting something on your “resolutions list” can often act as a bit of a curse. As Albert Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result So, why do we continue to make New Year’s resolutions?
Think back to your last resolution. Did you want to lose weight? Meditate every day? Or maybe even try and earn more money? No matter what it was, statistically speaking, you probably didn’t quite get there. While the temptation to create a new list (perhaps with the same resolutions) is probably knocking on your door, try to resist.
This year, we’ve got the only resolution you need: Don’t have one
Shocking isn’t it? The idea that you don’t need to create a list that you’ll inevitably beat yourself up over may seem counter-intuitive, but there’s a method to the madness. Maximising your potential for the year ahead doesn’t need to rely on having new year’s resolutions.Flip it, and stick it
If you’re anything like the rest of us, your past New Year’s resolutions have probably been tactical. Because, when you’re trying to reach a goal, writing explicit instructions for yourself on how to reach it is helpful, right? Wrong.
The resolution “Go for a run everyday” may sound feasible at the time. But given how specific it is, you’re only setting yourself up for failure. Realistically, there are some days you won’t have your trainers nearby.
Instead, flip your resolutions on their head. Write out a statement about how you feel when you work towards your goals.
For example: “When I go for a run, I feel good.”
Or: “When I work on my novel, I feel proud.”
Write your flipped statement on a post-it note, and stick it on the fridge. It’ll act as your reminder.
Be happy starting small
Some of the biggest and most failed new year resolutions happen because we expect to finish them by the end of January. Or, we set out to accomplish a huge task in minimal time.
If your resolution is to be able to run 10 kilometres, it’s perfectly acceptable to start by going for walks. Each time you go is a small win. By the end of the year, your small wins will equate to something big.
Make it happen
Is starting, or returning to study part of your goals for the next year? Through Open Universities Australia (OUA) you can study thousands of courses available to study online with leading Australian Universities. Better yet, there are multiple intake dates throughout the year.
Browse thousands of courses from leading Australian universities.
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