
Last chance to study this subject for 2025—enrol by 23 Feb

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User Interface Design


Study method
100% online
100% online
Enrol by
23 Feb 2025
Entry requirements
Part of a degree
13 weeks
Start dates
3 Mar 2025

Price from
Upfront cost
Loan available
HECS-HELP available

User Interface Design

About this subject

  • On successful completion of this subject you should be able to:

    1. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of good human interfaces in games, mobile devices, simulations and other information technology products
    2. be able to generate requirements for the interface of a proposed application
    3. be able to design and build interface prototypes that meet the requirements
    4. demonstrate an understanding of the psychological and physiological limits of the human factor
    5. be able to prepare an appropriate usability evaluation plan for a prototype information system
    6. be able to perform a usability evaluation using a range of methods and tools
    7. be able to use the results of the evaluation to improve the interface iteratively
    8. appreciate the relevant ethical issues and be able to apply ethical principles and practices to interaction design
    9. show awareness of cultural and disability issues that arise in the design of machine interfaces.

Entry requirements

To enrol in this subject, you must be admitted into a degree.

Prior study

You must have successfully completed the following subject(s) before starting this subject:


This subject is CSP only and cannot be taken as open access. The correct CSP fee will be displayed once you begin the enrolment process.
Note: Level 3 subjects normally assume a moderate level of prior knowledge in this area, eg from studying related Level 1 and 2 subjects.

Additional requirements

No additional requirements

Study load

0.125 EFTSL
This is in the range of 10 to 12 hours of study each week.

Equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) is one way to calculate your study load. One (1.0) EFTSL is equivalent to a full-time study load for one year.

Find out more information on Commonwealth Loans to understand what this means to your eligibility for financial support.

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