Sitting in the boss’ seat

Natalie asked herself, “What if, at work, I didn’t have to answer to anyone?” So she started her own tax business, and is now in full control of her day.

Every once in a while, we have one of those particularly nasty days at work, and we go home wondering what it would be like to be our own boss. With the help of OUA, Natalie was able to find out, and it’s safe to say, she’s savouring every moment of her new lifestyle.

With the goal of becoming a self-employed tax agent, Natalie felt she needed to fill some knowledge gaps. Through OUA, she studied single subjects in taxation and commercial law through Curtin University. The online study experience sat well with Natalie. It motivated her to push her studies further, and enrol in RMIT’s Master of Professional Accounting. She previously held a Bachelor of Economics, and a Graduate Certificate in Management, so her accounting degree was the perfect way to round off her education. Despite having worked in the industry for years, Natalie found herself learning far more than expected. “You can be shown what to do, but you don’t necessary understand why you’re doing it that way” Natalie says of the workplace, so studying these aspects formally has brought deeper meaning to her work.

Natalie studied accounting with RMIT University through Open Universities Australia

The convenience of OUA worked perfectly for Natalie, who is a mother to two teens, and the owner of an adorable feline study buddy. Natalie has been surprised by the level of support between classmates—even though she had the focus and self-motivation to study alone, in a sense, she never really had to. Students in her class communicated regularly via the discussion boards, email, and apps like WhatsApp and Skype. “Even though I was on my own, I never felt particularly isolated” admits Natalie.

Having now graduated from her Masters, Natalie is enjoying the life she’s always wanted. “I’m not answerable to anybody else, other than my clients, and I love my life and what I do”.

It’s your life—so take the reins!

If you want greater control over your lifestyle, OUA can help:

  • Find the right degree for you – We can guide you in your selection from over hundreds of degrees, and thousands of subjects, from leading Australian unis.
  • No barriers to study – We offer single undergraduate subjects from full degrees without any entry requirements.
  • Gain credit towards your degree – Apply for credit for past study, or your work experience, and finish faster.
  • Graduate with a degree from a leading uni – Study through us, but graduate with exactly the same university degree as on-campus students.
  • Support from start to finish – Our student advisors can guide you in the right direction and help with your enrolment.

Browse  thousands of courses from leading Australian universities.

Or complete the form on this page to chat to an advisor about study options.

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