Pursuing a passion for film

Amongst the family household bustle is Emma – who's earning her Bachelor of Communication, and planning out a career in the film industry.

communication student emma wright kitchen
Emma studied Communication with Griffith University, through Open Universities Australia.

Emma runs a bustling household – warm with children’s laughter, the smell of baked goods, a big veggie patch, and chickens hopping through the backyard lawn. Despite working tirelessly to provide a home that her boys adore, Emma knows the importance of making time for herself, to fulfil her own dreams. With the hope of moving into writing for film, or film production – Emma enrolled through us and is currently studying Griffith University’s Bachelor of Communication online.

Not many people can say they study in a cupboard, but this is Emma’s set up, which she can quickly pack out of the way. Emma needs to be clever in ways like this, in order to juggle a busy life. Studying at university online was once a frightening concept, but now, it’s just another normal aspect of Emma’s day. She’s got everything she needs to ensure her studies run smoothly, and knows that at any time, she can contact her tutors at Griffith about her learning material, or one of Open Universities Australia’s (OUA) Student Advisors, to help her manage the administration side of things.

Emma’s got a particular passion for film, and originally intended to move into film-related writing, but since taking up study, her direction has changed. She’s made a few great contacts that have steered her towards a new goal, working in film production. Like Emma has discovered – you never really know what’s around the corner. Not until you make a move.

Not sure if studying online is for you?

Through OUA you can study online, at your own pace, from wherever you are. With everything you need, provided in your university’s online Learning Management System (LMS), you’ll experience uni just like an on-campus student, except you’ll have more flexibility to personalise your studies. While you’ll be studying in your own time and space, you’ll never be studying alone – OUA has a passionate community of online students, and a team of experts to help find the right study option for you, and assist manage your studies from start to finish. 

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