A student advisor tells us: How they get you enrolled
Student advisor Tandy talks us through the inner workings of getting you enrolled over the phone. As you’ll soon see, the process can be a smooth, seamless experience with the right people in your corner.

1. What can I expect when I call a student advisor?
“Our role as student advisors is to understand you as a learner. With all the options out there, we understand that looking into university study can feel like a minefield. We want to ensure that the chosen course is the right one for you.”
“During this process, we’ll ask some questions (we call this a ‘needs analysis’) to get the know you better – such as your interests and the outcomes you’re looking for, any previous study or work experience, your current and future commitments to ensure your studies will be manageable, and payment options.”
“We encourage you to ask questions and explore thoughts and ideas too.”
2. What happens if I do decide to enrol?
“We ensure each step of the enrolment process is as simple and stress-free as possible, minimising any work you need to do to get started."
“As advisors we’ll ask some questions to create your profile – essentially setting things up on our end so that all you need to do is to sign on and submit your enrolment or application for the course you’ve decided on. We follow a strict privacy policy to guarantee all information is secure.”
3. What are the documents and items I need to have ready?
“If you’re enrolling into what we call Open Access subjects (without entry requirements) and are eligible for a government HELP-loan, you will only require a Unique Student Identifier (this is an individual education number that gives you an online record of your vocational education – applicable only to students living in Australia) and Tax-File Number for the loan. Meanwhile, if you’re a domestic student paying upfront, can pay via credit card.”
“In some instances, a change of name certificate may be required if you took some prior studies under a different name.”
“If your required documents aren’t readily accessible, we’ll still able to organise things on your behalf to the point where once the items are handy, your enrolment or application can be submitted all together.”
4. What’s the next step once my details are taken?
“If you’re enrolling via Open Access (subjects without entry requirements, that is) you can become a university student by the end of the consultation!”
“On the other hand, if you’re making an application for a degree, we’ll have the application submitted for assessment, and you can expect an outcome within 7-10 days.”
“Once your studies are organised, we’ll walk you through the process of what to expect when you commence your studies, such how and when you’ll log into your university’s learning management system (LMS), information regarding orientation week, and the support tools that you’ll have access to throughout your studies.”
7. How much time should I set aside for enrolling over the phone?
“Students who have never studied before can become a university student in as little as 10 minutes! But much lengthier consultations are welcomed to ensure your enquiry is addressed effectively.”
8. When can the student expect to hear from you next, after you’ve finished their enrolment over the phone?
“Students who study with us will receive a call from a student advisor closer to the starting date of their studies – we call this an Orientation Call. This is a way to touch base with you to help address any further questions and thoughts you might have when commencing your studies.”
9. What if I’m unsure about study?
“When it comes to starting new things, we understand it can be a daunting task to make that first step. But you never really know what you’re capable of until you try!
“We’ll make sure that taking the first step is as easy as it can be – by addressing any doubts and uncertainties that may be getting in your way, helping you find a course that’s the right match for you, and providing support along the way to help get you closer to your goals.”
Keen to take that next step? Book a call with a student advisor today. Who knows? You might just get Tandy on the other end of the line – he’s ready to make your goals a reality.
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