To the classroom and beyond

If you have a passion for educating the next generation, a Master of Education can be a gateway to a variety of rewarding careers – not just teaching.

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When many people think about a career in education, they envision a lifetime of teaching children in a classroom. But a degree like the Master of Education from Curtin University can lead to roles in areas like educational policy and curriculum development. Read on to find out where you could end up.

Curriculum development

If you’re driven to improve the quality of education, curriculum development could be for you. Curriculum developers design new courses within educational systems, help teachers to implement curriculum changes, review and recommend educational resources, and advise teachers about new teaching methods and technologies.

Curriculum developers usually have a Bachelor’s degree in education, and a Master’s degree in education, or curriculum and instruction. They will have extensive experience in classroom teaching, expertise in a subject area, strong research skills, and excellent communication skills.

Best of all, careers in curriculum development are expected to grow, especially as Australia focuses on improving its global ranking in educational outcomes.

Leadership and management

Perhaps you’d like to use your expertise to make a large-scale difference to educational outcomes. A Master of Education can position you for a leadership role. With experience, classroom teachers often move into managing subjects, year levels, school departments, or a whole school. Principals have the opportunity to consult with other stakeholders, such as school boards and committees, to set the direction of a school and drive a vision to fruition.

Beyond the school environment, federal and state government departments need advice from education experts for designing education policy and reform. In this arena, you have an opportunity to make a difference on a national level.

Adult education

When you’d like to move out of the school system, the burgeoning field of adult education provides a plethora of opportunities. Statistics from the ABS show that in the 12 months to April 2013, 46 per cent of Australian adults participated in some form of learning. Where there’s a topic, no matter how peculiar, there’ll be someone who wants to learn about it.

Opportunities to work in adult education exist in TAFE colleges, private training institutions, and community training organisations. Corporations and government departments have an ongoing need to train their staff, and a degree in education makes you ideal for providing that training.

If you love working with young people, an education qualification is a great start. A Master of Education can jettison you beyond the classroom and into a variety of satisfying careers where you get to make a real difference in peoples’ lives.

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