There’s no stopping a family man

How does a family man fit in a career and study? Greg managed to make it work, proving that anything is possible when you put in your all.

Greg’s a real family man – one that many people can relate to. The dedicated father of four spends his days working in logistics, his weekends coaching his kids’ soccer teams, and scrapes together any leftover time to knuckle down and study RMIT’s Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) online through Open Universities Australia (OUA). Talk about a busy schedule!

While there are highly successful professionals without university experience, Greg literally has his degree to thank for his job as Logistics Analyst at CSR Viridian. “My direct manager basically said to me – there’s no way I would have got my current role without the degree that I got through Open Universities”. Greg’s degree has given him the skills and confidence he needs to excel in his role, and has convinced him to take up further study at a postgraduate level. Down the track, he hopes for consultancy work as a logistics expert.

Business logistics and supply chain management student Greg Mcphee family
Greg - Studied Logistics with RMIT, online through Open Universities Australia.

As Greg moves towards the finish line, he admits that it’s all feeling too real, and he has come to realise what a big achievement it is to complete a university-level degree. Greg has been able to study at his own pace, comfortably fitting in two subjects at a time. He loves having that control over his workload, because without that flexibility, he couldn’t perform his best at work, or remain the devoted father and husband that he is today.

Don’t work your life around study

Make study work for you! Through OUA you can study online, at your own pace, from wherever you are. With everything you need, provided in your university’s online Learning Management System (LMS), you’ll experience uni just like an on-campus student, except you’ll have more flexibility to personalise your studies. While you’ll be studying in your own time and space, you’ll never be studying alone – OUA has a passionate community of online students, and a team of experts to help find the right study option for you, and assist you to manage your studies from start to finish. 

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