A daily slice of satisfaction

There came a point in David's life when he realised that if he didn't take action, he'd be stuck in a career he didn't enjoy.

With a wife, a baby, and an Instagram-famous dog at home, David leads a happy and fulfilling personal life. But when David realised he was simply living for the weekend like so many of us do, he decided to start pursuing a role that could bring satisfaction to every day of his week. Enrolling in Swinburne’s Bachelor of Business was his first step.

David currently works as a Customer Service Manager, but after he completes his degree, he aims to step up to manage the operations of an entire call centre. David wants to involve himself in business at a higher level, and challenge himself to think strategically. His coursework is already having an impact in the workplace. “The theory that I’ve learnt has helped me implement different processes, procedures and tools at my current and my previous workplace” admits David.

Open Universities Australia student David collaborating with a colleague at work.
David studied business with Swinburne University of Technology through Open Universities Australia

Although his degree is provided by Swinburne, David has also had the chance to study subjects from UniSA, Curtin, and Griffith, which has opened his mind to a greater number of ideas and approaches. As for studying online, “I suppose I expected it to be isolated” David says. “It’s definitely more of a community, and more support than I thought I would receive”.

If David could leave you with one piece of advice, it would be to go after what you’re passionate about. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck in a rut—life’s far too short for that.

Open Universities Australia student David in a meeting at work.

Make every day count

Desperate for the work day to end? If you’re in a role you love, it’s amazing how much more you’ll enjoy day-to-day life. Through Open Universities Australia, you’ll have the flexibility to work towards a career that excites you, without impacting your current income.

  • Find the right degree for you – We can guide you in your selection from hundreds of degrees, from leading Australian unis.
  • No barriers to study – We offer single undergraduate subjects from full degrees without any entry requirements.
  • Gain credit towards your degree – Apply for credit for past study, or your work experience, and finish faster.
  • Graduate with a degree from a leading uni – Study through us, but graduate with exactly the same university degree as on-campus students.
  • Support from start to finish – Our student advisors can guide you in the right direction and help with your enrolment.

Browse  thousands of courses from leading Australian universities.

Or complete the form on this page to chat to an advisor about study options.

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