3 people who proved ATARs are just numbers
If you've spent the majority of the year fretting about your ATAR score, this article is for you.

It’s likely that you’ve heard a range of advice when it comes to your ATAR this year. From “don't sweat it!”, to “you’ve only got one shot at this!”, the words of others can make Year 12 stressful.
While you may not want to entertain the thought that you shouldn’t worry about the ATAR you’ve been working so hard for, it’s healthy to remind yourself that your options won’t be stunted by the number you receive. Don’t believe us? Take these stories of Open Universities Australia students as proof.

On ATAR release day, Daniel was one of many Year 12 students across Australia in no mood to celebrate. “I thought all of my hard work didn’t really equate to the mark that I received back,” he says.
With a strong desire to be the first person in his family to complete university education, Daniel started researching. That’s when he found the OUA website and realised his options weren’t limited, they were limitless.
Through OUA, if you don’t have the required ATAR to enter a full degree, you can become eligible by passing a few undergraduate subjects first. That’s exactly what Daniel did. Today, he’s a graduate analyst for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. A dream start to his career.

With three qualifications through OUA under her belt, Carmen wasn’t one to let a number hold her back. “When I received my [high school] results, I didn’t have high enough marks to get into university,” she recalls. It’s the reason she chose OUA—to follow her dream of working in the criminal justice system.
Since then, Carmen has completed a diploma, graduate certificate and a masters degree in criminology and criminal justice—all through Griffith University and OUA.
But Carmen’s not stopping there. She’s now completing Griffith University’s Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management. It really goes to show that a lower-than-expected ATAR certainly doesn’t stop you from kicking off a university education.

“Teachers always told us that exams were important… (that) you need to get a high ATAR score or you won’t have many options,” Taylah recalls of her Year 12 journey. While Taylah didn’t score high enough for the degree in forensic science that she first had her eyes on, she soon discovered OUA. An OUA student advisor explained to Taylah that she could still qualify for entry despite her ATAR, if she passed a few of the degree’s core subjects first.
Taylah did just that—proving herself capable, and getting accepted into a degree that she was excited about. The subjects she completed were even credited towards her degree, so it took her no extra time to progress to where she is today.
No ATAR, no worries
You don’t need amazing results to get into uni.
A number of subjects available through OUA have no entry requirements. Start with one of these, and you may be able to enter into the degree of your choice. Better yet, you can choose from a range of leading Australian universities.
Need help understanding your options? Fill out the form on this page, and a friendly student advisor will get in contact.
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