Professor Liz Burd
Nominee Director - Griffith University
Professor Liz Burd was appointed as Provost of Griffith University in 2022. Professor Burd joined Griffith's leadership team in 2021 as Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education). She previously served as Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) at the University of Newcastle (Australia). Prior to her arrival in Australia, she was Dean of Undergraduate Education at Durham University (UK). While in Durham she led a 20 strong Technology Enhanced Learning research group and was director of the UK's Centre for Excellence: Active Learning in Computing.
Professor Burd holds a bachelors degree in education and a masters and doctoral degree in Computer Science.
Professor Burd has served on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Education Board for five years, on the IEEE Board of Governors of the Computer Society for five years and has been a Director for the IEEE Board for the last two years. As a software engineer, her research has led to many industry collaborations including IBM, Microsoft, British Telecommunication, BAe, and Logica. She has received over $15 million to support her research. She has published over 60 articles on software engineering and 30 on computing education. Liz has also received many awards, including the IEEE-CS Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award in 2008, and a UK National Teaching Fellowship in 2009.